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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

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Our latest blogs and podcasts on earth-based medicine, current trends in healthcare, and finding the balance.

Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine (even if you don't like to cook)

Jennifer Schmid

It used to be that food was considered medicine. Now, however, nutrition is scoffed at by many in mainstream medicine. The reality is, every day I read another study that indicates long-term usage of pharmaceutical drugs is bad medicine. These medications lead to “drug-induced diseases,” something my colleague Gerald Roliz discusses at length in his book The Pharmaceutical Myth. I see these drug-induced diseases every day in my practice. The good news is, there are always alternatives.

Hippocrates was onto something when he said to let food be your medicine. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to know that certain foods make you feel good, while others make you tired, gassy, and grumpy. 

And you don’t have to be Julia Childs to cook tasty, healthy foods, either! Read on below as I introduce to you another member of my POWER team, Joni Sare, who teaches people how to cook meals that are both healthy AND delicious, no matter what foods you want to incorporate or avoid. I’m excited to share her skills and knowledge with you.

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Depression is not a Prozac Deficiency

Jennifer Schmid

 We all know someone whose life has been touched by depression in the forms of major depression disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder. Depression is the leading cause of disability both internationally and here in the U.S. 

According to a 2011 article ( ) from Harvard University, anti-depressant use in the United States QUADRUPLED between 1994 and 2008. 10% of Americans are now taking some type of anti-depressant medication, spending at least $11 BILLION per year. 

And yet, even the American Psychological Association acknowledges that at least half of the people on anti-depressants don’t benefit from the drugs but rather the placebo effect. Many drugs have blackbox warnings because they cause suicide, one of the very outcomes they are supposed to prevent.

There is something very wrong here.

The reality is, depression is not a Prozac (or Zoloft or Lexapro) deficiency. New research is coming out every day that mental health disorders almost always take their root from some type of nutritional deficiency and/or inflammatory condition, whether in the brain itself, in the digestive system, or elsewhere in the body. 

But don’t take my word for it. In a new series called the Depression Sessions, my friend and esteemed colleague, Sean Croxton at Underground Wellness, has put together 22 interviews of some of the leading experts in depression, nutrition and mental health. These FREE sessions are not to be missed.

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Staying Hydrated Naturally While Having Fun in the Sun

Jennifer Schmid

As you can imagine, while I love sports (Go Warriors! Go Giants!), I am not a fan of commercial “sports drinks,” which consist mostly of chemically laden tap water, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavors and colors. There’s nothing nourishing about them. 

So how does an athlete — or any active soul — stay hydrated when running around and sweating in the sun?

Easy! There are 3 simple steps you can take to stay hydrated naturally. 

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When in Doubt, Reboot the Machine

Jennifer Schmid

I’ve been operating at half tilt for the last couple of weeks. Sick kids home from school, long nights with the 8th grade musical (it was amazing!), and cold, gray, foggy weather all threw me off balance. My energy was waning, I felt unmotivated to work out, and my brain was on slo-mo.

I understand my needs well enough now to know what to do to restart my system: get out into nature! It’s just like what always happens when you reach out to tech support with an equipment malfunction. They tell you to reboot the machine first, right? Don’t even bother calling them until you turn your phone/ tablet/ computer/ printer off, wait 10 seconds, and then reboot.

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Creating Time, Finding Freedom

Jennifer Schmid

Today, I’m going to give you some strategies to overcome the #1 obstacle that people face in getting healthy: TIME.

Time is the #1 obstacle. 

“I don’t have time to exercise.”

“I don’t have time to get enough sleep.”

“I don’t have time to go grocery shopping for healthy food.”

“I don’t have time to cook healthy food.”

You get the idea. 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret, a secret that truly changed my life. It’s a paradox, but once you understand it, you’ll realize that this dastardly obstacle called not-enough-time is really a myth.

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Creating Space, Creating Joy

Jennifer Schmid

Sometimes the only way that we can welcome changes into our lives is by creating space for them to live and breathe. If our fridge is full of take-out containers, pizza boxes, soda cans, and shriveled apples, we have no place to put the grass-fed beef, mineral water, beet salad, or fresh kale. Likewise, as we discussed in the previous blog, we might need to get rid of old habits that are not serving us in order to try out a new one.

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The Gratification (and drama) of Deprivation

Jennifer Schmid

The sense of deprivation can be powerful when we’re giving up foods and habits that might be contributing to health issues. I often initially face resistance from clients when I suggest that they eliminate a favorite food or beverage, even if just for the short-term. For most people, the deprivation is more emotional and psychological than it is physical.

Most of the time, however, once they understand the logic behind them, and what the healthier alternatives are, they are able to find a wellspring of courage and will power to make the changes I’ve recommended, such as eliminating coffee or wheat products. 

That’s when the magic happens.

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Rationalizing Water Rationing (when I just want to take a bath)

Jennifer Schmid

By now, everyone has heard about the water crisis here in California, how we are in the 4th year of one of the worst droughts in our state’s history. We now face water rationing and a steep hike in water prices. This means I have had to rethink my bath-as-self-care strategy. And I think I’ve found the answer!

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Bowing to the Wisdom of Others (Introducing my POWER Team)

Jennifer Schmid

I am blessed to have a huge toolbox of Earth-based Medicine available for my clients. Another aspect of my toolbox includes what I call my POWER Team. These are people who offer a service or a skill that complements my own toolbox and knowledge, people with whom I can collaborate, and, if necessary, refer my clients to so that they can achieve optimal wellness at the deepest levels, in all areas of their lives. 

Over the next several months I’ll be presenting the different members of my POWER team in my blog and newsletter in a section called Collaborators' Corner.  I can’t wait to share them all with you! Their collective wisdom validates my belief that everything can be healed. Below I introduce to you Patricia Reber, DO, the first of many healers and givers to be featured here.

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Getting into the SPRING of things

Jennifer Schmid

Happy first day of spring! 

I consider the first day of spring to be a day of new beginnings, like a New Year. It can be difficult to start health resolutions in January because of the desire to go inwards during the darkest, coldest time of the year.

For me, this is the time of year when I can really dive into healthier intentions.

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Beating the Time Change Blues with H2O

Jennifer Schmid

I know that some of you might consider this blasphemy, but it’s actually not good for our bodies to start our day with a hot cup of coffee, not first thing, anyway.  After all, we’ve been sleeping for hopefully at least 6-8 hours, and during that time, our internal organs have had a serious work out, digesting, restoring, detoxing, and repairing.

And what do you need after you’ve been working out?

Water. Hydration.

Drinking warm water when we wake up helps our bodies on so many levels. Rehydrating in the morning can boost our metabolism and make us hungry, help get the bowels moving (so we can get rid of all the toxins our bodies processed in the night), and wake up our thirsty brains.

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Looking out for Michael Phelps (Why everyone deserves a Hawaiian vacation, part 2)

Jennifer Schmid

In my previous blog, I talked about the healing benefits of the ocean, and why everyone deserves a Hawaiian vacation.

Unlike the ocean, however, most swimming pools do not contain salty, beneficial minerals. Instead, swimming pools usually contain chlorine, which is “appreciated” for its ability to kill bacteria in water. Unfortunately, chlorine is also one of the most toxic chemicals in our environment. 

Fortunately, just as there are for other environment threats to our health, so are there natural methods to heal from the damage it may have already caused.

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Why everyone deserves a Hawaiian vacation, part 1

Jennifer Schmid

If a trip to a tropic paradise isn’t in your current budget, or if you live far from the coast, don’t despair. There are natural ways to nourish your body through foods, whole food supplements, and skin care. 

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All That Glitters is Not Gold

Jennifer Schmid

Heavy metals can wreak havoc on the body, from the nervous system to our joints to our gut and have been linked to such diseases as Parkinson’sALSAlzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, and multiple sclerosis. They are found across the consumer spectrum in such products as anti-perspirants, all vaccines, amalgam fillings, batteries, jewely, airplane exhaust, cosmetics, light bulbs, factory emissions, some fish, chocolate, rice, medications, baked goods, ceramics, fungicides, cigarettes, and more. 

In addition to clean living and eating, there are certain foods and supplements that can help with pulling heavy metals from the body slowly and gently and protect it from their toxic effects.

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Improving Patient Outcomes and Creating Solutions through Practitioner Collaboration

Jennifer Schmid

I recently read a blog post titled “How to talk with your patients about alternative medicine.” I got really excited and thought Yes! Another physician who gets it. Well, no. The blog really should have been called “How to convince your patients why you think alternative medicine is bogus without offending them.” 

Because of the negative way alternative medicine is portrayed in the media, I had the misperception that the great majority of conventional practitioners were against it. I started digging, though, and happily found out, that is not necessarily the case.

The problem is, few of us are working together for the greater good to collaborate with other practitioners and offer patients what they really want.

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More Measles Musings from a Swollen-headed Narcissist

Jennifer Schmid

Whew. My previous blog about why I’m not afraid of measles has gotten over 21,000 hits and 5000 Facebook likes in 3 days. People are so hungry (ahem) for nutritional solutions to health care issues. The feedback for the blog has been overwhelmingly positive, though I have been called all sorts of untoward names. Someone even said to me that using whole food nutritional strategies to boost the immune system was akin to “snake oil.”

There is so much fear out there. There are so many people who truly believe that pharmaceuticals such as drugs and vaccines are the only answer, and without “modern medicine”, we are are all going to die. I have such compassion for people who live in that fear, because a) I used to live that way, and b) it’s not a joyful way to live.

So let me reiterate. We don’t have to be afraid. 

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Why I'm not afraid of measles

Jennifer Schmid

Update, January 30, 2015: Thank you so much for your positive feedback about this post! You people rock. Due to popular demand, I have revised the blog to include more citations so that you know I am not pulling the wool over your eyes. Likewise, at the request of nutrition guru, Sally Fallon Morrell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I have added in two more effective prevention strategies to help boost immunity, both of which are, of course, back up by science, just like all the others. Be sure to download the revised Strategy flyer!

Everyone should follow a measles prevention strategy by strengthening their health and immune system, even if they're vaccinated. Here's my strategy.


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Why I look younger than my age

Jennifer Schmid

Call it good genetics, but people frequently point out that I look younger than my age. And then I frequently point out that I am careful of what I put on my skin, the same way I am careful of what I eat and put in my body.

Instead of telling you how I nourish my skin with Pangea skin care products, however, I thought it’d be a lot more entertaining to show you. 

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Putting on the brakes

Jennifer Schmid

Every so often, I come across something I read and think, "I must share this with my peeps." This blog was written by my dear friend and yoga teacher, Kathleen Thompson. I first met Kathleen over 10 years ago at her yoga studio in Mansfield, a small town in rural Pennsylvania, just after the birth of my third child, when I was desperate to hold onto my identity as a woman outside the confines of motherhood. Her yoga classes were not just a welcome escape, they rejuvenated my body and soul, making me a better mother, woman, and healer in the process. I have since come to love and respect Kathleen not only as a yoga teacher but as a community builder, mentor, and friend. She never stops learning and appreciating, figuring out what works and what doesn't work, and then getting rid of the "doesn't work" that holds her back.  As such, she spreads joy and smiles wherever she goes, like a Glinda the Good Witch, and looks 20 years younger than her age. She is beautiful and radiant, inside and out.

I am honored to be able to share Kathleen's wise journey with you. Don't miss out on her manifesto (words for us all to live by), or her insightful metaphor at the end; we all need to know how to recharge.


In the week between Christmas and New Years I rented a little apartment in Ithaca, NY. I needed a getaway: from Christmas, from busyness, from tired.

I needed a retreat. But instead of booking myself into a fancy place like Kripalu, I tried a “self-guided” retreat this time, in a nearby city where I know a few, but not many people, and where I could be happily alone.

I cooked up a a batch of kitchari in my home kitchen and brought that to eat, along with a few other staples.

Every day I cooked up the kitchari for lunch with greens I bought at Oasis.



The man at Oasis who checked me out told me this joke one really cold morning:

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

A: Frostbite!

I drank a lot of hot water which I heated up an electric kettle I found in the apartment kitchen. But the mugs there didn’t fit my hands so I wandered into Handwork and bought a beautiful handmade mug for my hot water.

The one I bought was made by hands, for hands.  It is beautiful and I treasure it. It is currently sitting on the the table beside me. It will forever remind me of this time of great regeneration.

Kathleen mug handwork

I sat on a small brown couch all day and edited my manuscript.

Kathleen couch

I slept like shit. (The bed was very mushy.)

Most nights I stayed up very late. (For me.)

I sat on the windowseat and looked out.

Kathleen Thompson selfie

I finished The Distraction Addiction.

I started Daring Greatly.

I went to yoga every day.

When you teach yoga every day like I do, it is such a thrill, such an utter indulgence to be led. I got to follow someone’s else’s path every day and it was lovely.

I went to Starbucks. (Not every day, but almost.)

I cruised through the bookstore a few times. I ran into people I know, and like, from home. I ran into people I know, and like, from Ithaca.

I sat and meditated with my dear friend Zee, and her friends, on New Year’s Day, and then had Indian food with them afterwards at Diamonds.

All day I worked.

I noticed the way I worked. I noticed that I like alternating between digital and analog; between computer and fountain pen. When I started to stagnate on the computer, I’d pick up the pen and a fresh world would appear. When I felt that world begin to fade, a return to the keypad ignited me again.

And in this way, back and forth, digital to analog, hour after hour, day after day, with breaks only for fresh hot water and to pee, I spent my interlude.

I worked on my manuscript, but I wrote other things, too.

I wrote deep reflections on all the yoga classes I took, for example, pondering what it really means to be a yoga teacher, and how I might become a more effective one.

I wrote my “manifesto” which was deeply inspired by the two books I was reading. My manifesto lists the qualities that I hope to cultivate and manifest in myself and my life from this time going forward. I love this list and feel so happy to have finally articulated it.

Kathleen Thompson manifeso

I wrote in OmWriter, which is a new writing platform for me. I was inspired to try it from the writer of Distraction Addiction. I really like it a lot. I found it allowed me to go deeper into reflective space than I have ever gone before, and stay in that depth longer.

I severely limited my connections to other people, and to distractions like email and internet. I only went online twice a day: morning and night, and would not have gone on at all if I didn’t have a business.

I thought about installing Freedom but my self-discipline was strong enough and I really didn’t need it. Still, I like knowing that it exists, because I can foresee a time in the future when I will need to utilize it.

I loved living in this small, walkable city. Everything I needed and wanted was less than a 5 minute walk away: yoga, health food store, bookstore, Starbucks, even an indie movie theater. I could walk to Indian food and Thai food, as well as Tapas and Mexican and vegetarian.

On my last day, G came and we went to see the movie Wild. For my final dinner, we chose the tapas restaurant right below my apartment. We drove home in two cars, following each other.

Kathleen Thompson Ithaca apartment

(my apartment was on the 2nd floor, the 2 windows on the left with the white blinds.)

As I drove home I thought about the Prius, and how the battery of that car recharges every time you apply the brakes.

It recharges when it brakes.

What do you know? Me, too.

Go figure.

Oasis Wellness Empowerment Series #3: On the Journey towards Patient and Provider Empowerment

Jennifer Schmid

It’s not easy being an empowered patient in our current health care system, which places way too much emphasis on “the doctor/pharmaceutical company/FDA is always right”, and too little emphasis on what might actually work best for that patient.

I’m going to let you in on a secret. There’s ONE step that you have to take to become empowered. Just ONE. Ready?

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