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Get Healthy Naturally with Jennifer Schmid | Speaker.  Healer.  Nurse.  Naturopath. 

The Top 10 Things You Need to Know for the New Moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022


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The Top 10 Things You Need to Know for the New Moon in Pisces on March 2, 2022

Jennifer Schmid

Loves, I so passionately want to write you a more detailed blog or make you a long video about the amazing energy of the skies over the next 11 days. I have been waiting for this incredible time since August, and it’s finally here!

However, all of the planets currently transiting workhorse Capricorn (Vesta, Venus, Mars and Pluto) and innovative Aquarius (Juno, Mercury and Saturn) are compelling me to focus my attention on the upcoming free master class I’ll be offering just after the Full Moon in March. (Stay tuned for details.)

That said, this astrology is so very very, very, very, very, very juicy (the Sun, plus traditional ruler, Jupiter, and modern ruler, Neptune, are in watery, dreamy, emOCEANal Pisces, after all). I am flooding with love and compassion. The least I can do is write you a love note with the Top Ten (10) Things You Need to Know for This Week and the New Moon in Pisces.  

{For those of you interested in the details, you can also download the exact transits at the bottom of this blog so you can mark them on your calendar.}

We have reached a turning point in the fracturing between the old and the new, the limiting and the expansive, and at our very core, fear and love. This week and the New Moon in Pisces at 9:34a PST on March 2, 2022, come with some extraordinary vital energy that potently ushers in the New Earth paradigm.

Here are the top ten (10) things you need to know for this New Moon:

  1. The Divine lives within us. You can always ask for help, and the Divine will always answer (though you may not receive the answer you think you want, it’s always in the best interest of your highest self).

  2. Dream big, and write down what you’re dreaming of! Speak of and visualize your dreams often, to yourself, to your beloved, and to the Divine.

  3. War is never what it seems. There’s so much happening behind the scenes that we don’t know about and what is not portrayed in the media. Instead of focusing on emotions like grief, sadness, and anger — which might feel more “natural” — focus on shining your light and being of service to and through love. The littlest acts of service and kindness can make big differences in people’s everyday lives, plus they can help us feel less helpless when things seem out of our control.

  4. Every act of self-care helps to heals the world. Everything you do to raise your own frequency and fill your own cup has a positive ripple effect around you. I was getting a much-needed massage the other night because my shoulders were a hot mess, and I suddenly felt called to ask the Divine, is it wrong of me to get a massage when there’s so much bad stuff happening in the world right now? I immediately heard a resounding NO!, that every act of self love and self-care helps to heal the world. Please keep loving on yourself. It is not selfish. It is a gift!

  5. Honor the union and the unity of the Masculine and the Feminine within you. Honor what they each bring to you and to every being on this planet. It’s easy to focus on the separation and polarity. Instead, imagine the beauty of the Yin/Yang symbol. ☯️ This frequency lives within all of us and in the collective, if we’re willing to embrace the union.

  6. First and foremost, choose love. Even choose love when it comes to how you interact with people you disagree with, people you strongly dislike, people you might even consider your enemies. Or politicians. Politicians may indeed be the hardest people to love, but this is often where our true spiritual work gets done.

  7. As old, limiting structures crumble, new ones based on love and justice will emerge. Trust the revolution.

  8. In a world of infinite possibilities, use your heart and your intuition to guide your way. Much of what resides in our minds and intellect is an illusion (or a delusion!) that prevents us from awakening to and living our truth.

  9. Nurture the unique creative inspirations you are receiving from the Divine. Creativity is not only about art. It’s a gorgeous, feminine realm of fertility and growth. Let your creativity delight your soul. Be compassionate with whatever you are birthing, whether that’s a new way to make scrambled eggs for breakfast, herbal tinctures, or a Tesla-inspired rocket.

  10. Our breath is our most powerful tool for connecting with ourselves and therefore the Divine. From a physiological level, a deep breath can reset our nervous system out of “fight or flight” when we’re stressed. On a spiritual level, our breath can transport us through a wormhole into a new paradigm.

Oh, beauties, how fortunate (Jupiter) we are to be alive during these times! Allow yourself to step into the sovereign harbinger of love, truth and service that you are. We are indeed the ones we have been waiting for. Even breathing silently in nature can help inspire positive change in the world. What are you waiting for?

I love you!

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Photo credit: The gorgeous photo in the banner is by Victoria Strelkaph.